Your teeth are strong. In fact, they are made from the most durable substance in your entire body! However, this doesn’t mean that your teeth can’t suffer damage. An unexpected tooth fracture is one of the most common types of dental emergencies. Fortunately, there are ways to restore your tooth from damage, whether it was cracked, chipped or broken. But if you’d like to try and avoid the dental emergency visit altogether, follow these preventive tips for your family:
#1 Wear A Mouthguard
One of the most prevalent places for mouth-related injuries to occur is on the playing field. If your child is involved in sports, consider a custom-fit mouthguard for valued protection. A mouthguard can protect the teeth, gums, lips and cheek from injury or laceration. Recent studies have even concluded that a mouthguard lowers concussion risk in youth sports.
#2 Be Smart With Your Teeth
Your teeth are designed to help you chew and digest food. They are not tools. Bad dental habits on a daily basis can cause your tooth structure to weaken and eventually fracture. If you like to chomp ice, bite your nails or rip open packages with your teeth, you’re more likely to find yourself calling for an emergency dental appointment.
#3 Practice Good Oral Hygiene
One of the best ways to ensure your teeth are strong and healthy is to keep them clean. Brushing and flossing on a daily basis keeps cavities at bay. When decay develops on your teeth, the tooth is weakened and more vulnerable to cracking or chipping. Severe decay can also lead to excruciating tooth pain that keeps you from your daily tasks.
While the above guidelines can lower your chances for encountering a dental emergency, there is no way to prevent it completely. If you are suffering from a dental emergency, don’t ignore it. Neglecting to treat a damaged, injured or infected tooth can lead to worsening pain and more costly treatment.
Rivers + Tanner Family Dentistry proud to offer a full menu of emergency dentistry services within our modern dental clinic. We always restore smiles with attention to health, function and aesthetics!
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1065 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Suite A
Mt. Pleasant , SC 29464
Phone: (843) 884-5166
FAX: (843) 849-0791
Email: frontdesk@mtpleasantdentists.com
Monday - Thursday 8AM - 5PMWe Break For Lunch From 1 - 2